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One of our development tools has been a program by Austin Meyer called
You can download a trial version of the program from their website.
can then download the Lom235.zip
file containing the Atlantica BWB Prototype. We
do not support X-Plane 6 at this time.(follow
the instructions exactly as you see it in the readme.txt in the zip
file to install the Atlantica in X-Plane for any version 3.0 to 5.xx.)
tool has greatly simplified the process of determining critical flight
characteristics of an aircraft. While simulators that cost millions of
dollars are being used more and more for aircraft design, the level of
accuracy that X-plane achieves is more than adequate for General
Aviation purposes, and FAR more than was used in the original
design of the Velocity aircraft. It is important to understand that
there is nothing different between this program and an aeronautical
engineer with a slide rule as far as the math is concerned. While
calculating L/D and pitching moments, the engineer would be mentally
visualizing the aircraft and making assumptions. With X-plane, each
wing surface is divided into eight segments and the flight properties
are calculated for each segment at least fifteen times per second
accounting for a number of parameters including the air density,
pressure altitude, angle of attack etc.
A more detailed description of the process can be found at the X-Plane
The depth of information and ease with which a number of
configurations can be explored is revolutionary. Having a computer
program is only half of the story though. Coupled with an experienced
mind, the software becomes a realistic design tool that can lead to
evolved aircraft such as the Atlantica, pictured here. There are
aesthetic touches like accurate terrain mapping and real-time weather
that can create a very realistic flight experience for the designer or
general enthusiast.
Dynamic flight information can be displayed in such a way that an
extremely comprehensive understanding is achieved. Austin has
continued to improve the software on a regular basis, and unlike some
products, these are real improvements that add versatility and
interest to the program. There is also an emerging group of X-Plane
fans who are developing their own aircraft, buildings, terrain and
sounds for added realism.
suite of tools accompanies X-Plane that allow for the real-time
comprehensive evaluation of airfoils, the design of complex aircraft
shapes, the accurate mapping of realistic terrain information,
importing real-time weather, graphic display of all types of weather
phenomena, interaction with ATC, realistic gauge function including
models with GPS and moving maps, real-time passage of time during
flight, aircraft carriers that pitch and roll..the list goes on. It is
a fun and serious tool.